Meet Dan Blue
A lifelong North Carolinian, Daniel T. Blue, Jr. was born in Lumberton to Daniel T. Blue, Sr. and Allene Morris Blue. Growing up in his parent’s four-room farmhouse in Robeson County, Dan quickly learned that the values of hard work, faith, and education were the keys to a successful future – lessons learned from his parents, his teachers and his community. Never losing sight of those values, Dan has worked hard his entire life to help provide North Carolinians with the same opportunities to succeed.
After working hard in North Carolina public schools (Dan was Valedictorian of his high school class in Robeson County), Dan attended North Carolina Central University, where he earned a degree in Mathematics in 1970. Dan was accepted into law school at Duke University and graduated in 1973 from the Duke University School of Law. He was admitted into the NC State Bar and has practiced law in Wake County since then.
First elected to the North Carolina House of Representatives in 1980, Dan has spent his entire career in public office fighting for the interests of working families: investing in our public schools; creating new jobs and economic growth; protecting our environment; supporting access to quality, affordable healthcare; and ensuring senior citizens have the services they need to age with dignity.
Throughout his tenure in the General Assembly, Dan has consistently been rated one of the most effective members of the General Assembly. As a House Representative, Senator Blue was re-elected thirteen times.
In 1991, Dan was elected Speaker of the House, where he cut millions of dollars in wasteful government spending, creating the climate for the state’s unprecedented economic growth in the 1990s. As Speaker, he was responsible for the passage of a crucial series of workplace safety initiatives, innovative programs to improve our public schools, and reform of our criminal justice system. In 2002, he left the Legislature to run for the United States Senate. He returned to the House in 2006 and moved to the Senate in 2009.

In addition to serving as Speaker of the House, Dan has served as Chairman of the Judiciary and Appropriations committees. He served three terms as President of the National Conference of State Legislatures and served on the executive committee of the Southern Legislative Conference. Dan is a founding partner of Blue LLP, a law firm in Raleigh, NC. He holds nine honorary degrees and is past Chairman of the Duke University Board of Trustees.
Senator Blue resides in Raleigh with his wife, Edna. They have three adult children and seven grandchildren. He attends Davie Street Presbyterian Church, where he serves as an Elder.

Paid for by Citizens for Dan Blue
Post Office Box 287, Raleigh NC 27602